Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weekend Bliss!

The last essay of my academic career is FINISHED and in the safe keeping of the English Department's saintly secretary Sandra. (Have you ever noticed how ALL English Department secretaries are saintly?? Is this because Englishy people deserve saintly keepers? ...or is it, instead, because no one but the most saintly possesses sufficient patience to deal with the bleary-eyed, disorganized souls who inevitably become English grad-students/professors?? Hmm...)

Yes. The essay is finished. And I have no excuse to avoid the blog any longer. Here follows a brief documentary of the lovely weekend we had two weeks ago, which included: a visit from dear friends, a baby shower ( ! ), a ceilidh, and some general leaping through the fens and spinnies!

Aaron and Montserrat came out from Edinburgh on the train!

My lovely friends Lizzie and Fran gave me the most wonderful *baby shower* at a really beautiful hotel in St Andrews. We had our own private room that looked out over the 18th green at the Old Course. There were many edibles of different shapes and sizes and much tea! (In photo above (left to right) Sarah, Callie, Lizzie, Monsy.)

Scone, anyone?
Baby Winter received many wonderful presents. Here I peruse her first book--interactive, anti-tear, and machine washable!!
(In photo above: Fran, Sara, and Devon.)
After the shower it was off to the Catholic Society Ceilidh! I didn't dance quite as much as last time--bouncing doesn't seem to agree with the Inside Child these days...but Thomas More had a rolicking good time. He can be seen in white at the end of the line (alas, un-kilted!).
Denis and Sara--looking tre chic--and not even winded!
Monsy and Devin perfect their waltzing skills.
The next day we took A and M to our favorite castle...where we toured the grounds and gardens.


A quick stop at West Sands before we took A and M back to the train station!
and lastly, I call this: "Marley with Stick (Under Threatening Scottish Sky)"


  1. "Marley with Stick Under Threatening Scottish Sky" reminds me it's been a while since I have had a Marley cuteness fix. Now that it is officially summer, perhaps it is time for a new shot of Marley in this summer ("summer"?) season? :)
