Back at home I bundled precious daughter in her Moby wrap and cleaned *the entire house*: including 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, and the kitchen. I swept and vacuumed all the floors. I dusted. I even did laundry.
Later in the day, while nursing, I worked on a poem in progress.
I wrote three thank-you notes.
I ordered two Christmas presents online.
I planned my menu.
In the afternoon my mother-in-law came and sat for my precious daughter while I ran two miles and lifted weights.
Lovely husband came home and we ate Home-made chicken noodle soup that had been simmering deliciously on the hob all day.
Then we listened to Christmas music, lit the Advent wreath and read the scripture readings for St. Lucy's day.
Booyeah!! It was a good day.
Then there was today...
I arose much, much after the sun. Since it was too cold to go out for a walk I lounged in bed until dear daughter awoke (closer to 10 AM than I am proud to admit).
Bathed precious daughter. Upon becoming, once again, fully clothed and fluffed-of-hair, precious daughter urped profusely into new clothes and lovely fluffed hair.
Bathed myself. After which, precious daughter urped into...MY lovely fluffed hair.
Since it was too cold to go out, I spent the rest of the daylight hours (4 hours-ish) working on a "memory video" from our very eventful 2010 year.
As the sun went down, realized that my photos and videos were incorrectly formatted. Lost entire video.
Ate (almost) entire plate of Christmas cookies to make myself feel better. Did not feel any better.
Lovely husband came home. Lovely husband made dinner while not-so-lovely and very whiny wife lay on the floor with the dog.
Attempted Advent devotion but precious daughter did not comply. Alas.
Alas Alas.
Ah well! Tomorrow cometh, cometh quickly.
Ah, yes. The first few months are SO hard, but it will pass. (I wish someone had told me that they go as quickly as they do, for they certainly didn't appear so at the time.) Loved seeing you today. Looking forward to mud dauber poem. Have a blessed Christmas.